10 Dog Breeds That Love To Smile
It’s hard not to smile back at a dog with a seriously adorable grin on its face. Here are ten dog breeds that love to smile.
Ever catch your little pooch grinning from droopy ear to droopy ear? It’s hard not to smile back at those bright-beaming faces. So, Finn put together a list of the top ten most smiley dog breeds out there. Your cheeks will hurt after reading through the collection.
Can Dogs Actually Smile?
While social media is full of photos with grinning pups, dogs can’t really “smile” in the way that humans can. Sometimes, though, it appears as if your dog is smiling, and here’s why.
When dogs are relaxed and content, they’ll drop their jaws, pull back their lips, and let their tongues lap over their teeth. This wide-mouth pant forms the shape of a grin.
Scientists believe that the canine smile developed from evolution and because dogs can analyze human behavior. Because pet parents typically react positively to their dog when they smile, the dog picks up on that and continues to “smile” more often.
Smiling Dog Breeds
Here are our top ten breeds that are the most likely to show you those adorable teefs.
1. French Bulldog
Okay, seriously. The French Bulldog looks like they’re constantly smiling, and we’re not mad about it.
This breed is one of the most friendly and sociable dogs. French Bulldogs have really wide mouths. When their tongues hang out, it appears as though there’s a gigantic grin on their face. In addition to grinning, they’ll typically narrow their eyes, wiggle their bottoms, and relax their ears.
French Bulldogs are the most content with regular exercise, a full and nutritious diet, clean ears and skin folds, and having plenty of toys to play with.
2. Samoyed
The beautiful Samoyed. These dogs seem to have it all; glamorous white coats, big, bright eyes, and social personalities. No wonder they’re always smiling. The Samoyed stands at about 20 inches and usually weighs approximately 50 pounds. They are very loyal pups and love affection from their friends and family.
The Samoyed is actually nicknamed “smiley” due to this cute albeit unusual feature. They have slightly curved mouths, attentive ears, and deeply expressive eyes.
3. Papillon
We love the darling little PapillonPapillion and their petite smiles. Despite their size, Papillons are thought to be “big dogs in a small body” as they are incredibly smart, alert, and energetic. The word papillon means butterfly in French – the ears of a PapillonPapillion oftentimes mimic that of a butterfly, hence their name.
Papillons are known for their affectionate personalities and their tiny, bright grins. They’re spreaders of love and joy and typically do well with all different types of people, including children.
4. Bichon Frise
These 14-pound pooches have the biggest smiles of them all.
The Bichon Frise is a happy little dog with a white coat and an infectious smile. Their big grins match their goofy and adaptable personalities. They make for a great family dog and are quite the charmer; consider them the class clown of dog breeds.
The Bichon Frise is easy to train and ready to please. You’ll notice how excited they get when you start a session of trick training. They are lovely little dogs with little black boop noses and adorable haircuts.
5. Alaskan Malamute
Have you ever seen an Alaskan Malamute in person? If you haven’t, make it your mission to find one and be prepared to fall in love. This breed is the original arctic sled dog and was bred to haul heavy loads.
They stand at approximately 25 inches and weigh between 75 and 85 pounds, making them strong, hefty, and just plain beautiful. The smiling Alaskan Malamute is a well-behaved breed that is playful, gentle, friendly, and great with children.
Mals have wide mouths that curl upward that are usually paired with big, beautiful blue or brown eyes. Some Alaskan Malamutes are born with both — one blue and one brown eyes. They are smiley canine companions with hearts of gold.
6. Shiba Inu
Although Shiba Inus are less affectionate and not as happy-go-lucky, they make the list because of their unique facial structure. Shiba Inus look like they’re smiling most of the time. Despite their knack for independence, they are exceptionally cute.
People generally gravitate toward the Shiba Inu because of their preferable body size. They’re not too big and not too small. They have fluffy coats, adorable round butts, and foxy little faces, not to mention those cute little grins.
7. Icelandic Sheepdog
We love the Icelandic Sheepdog. Yes, yes, we do! The most endearing trait of the Icelandic Sheepdog is their facial expressions. They always appear friendly, happy, and always looking as though there's no place they'd rather be than with you.
The Icelandic Sheepdog is Iceland’s only native dog breed. They’re friendly, faithful, intelligent, and devoted companions that will never leave your side.
8. Pembroke Welsh Corgi
The Pembroke Welsh Corgi is one of many super smiley pups. A cute little pooch, right? The Queen thinks so, too. These dogs date back to the 10th century. Despite their size, they are excellent herding dogs so they are a little noisy and needy, but very affectionate.
When their mouths are agape, it looks like the Corgi is smiling, which makes us smile, which makes them smile.
9. Australian Shepherd
Australian Shepherds are lean and tough ranch dogs that can run for days. They are exceptionally athletic, active, and smart. If you’re looking for a lap dog that wants to take a lot of naps, this isn’t your breed. They are do-ers, workers, herders, and don’t enjoy sitting still.
A distinguishable feature of the Australian Shepherd is their smile. They are known to bear their teeth, one of the few breeds that do.
10. Basenji
Last but certainly not least, the Basenji. You’ll often catch this breed with a big smile on its face. They are clever and endearing and make great family pets. Because of their high energy levels, they need daily exercise, plenty of walks, and an abundance of playtime.
Basenjis are sweet-faced dogs with almond-shaped eyes. They’re known to refrain from barking, which is music to pet parents’ ears. They convey a variety of subtle, human-like emotions.
How To Keep Your Dog Smiling
Or should we say how to keep your dog happy, healthy, and filled with joy. Here are some ways to keep your dog smiling all day long!
Teach Your Dog Tricks
Most dogs aim to please, so teaching your dogs simple tricks like how to give you their paw or lie down on command is an effective way to keep them happy and smiling.
After a trick training session, the sense of accomplishment will leave your canine companion feeling satisfied and eager to learn more. Other simple tricks to teach your dog are to give a kiss, speak, wave, spin, and rollover.
Provide a Nutritious Diet
A healthy and whole diet is the key to any dog’s heart. Food is the way, didn’t you know?
On top of an organic meal plan incorporating meat and grains, supply your dog with probiotics and vitamins (like those in Finn’s Starter Bundle!) to support improved digestion, gut health, strengthen their immunity, nurture their joints ,and keep them relaxed.
When your dog is nourished and healthy, they’ll be happy!
Speak to a specialist or to your regular veterinarian if you have questions about what kind of supplements to give.
Daily Playtime
Make sure you make time for daily playtime in your dog’s routine. Give your dog an interactive toy or a tug rope that attaches to your floor. Kibble-dispensing toys, as well as hide-and-seek toys, are great options for them, too.
Consider your dog’s size and age before purchasing any toys, since you’ll want to make sure your preferred toys are safe for your pet.
The French Bulldog, Samoyed, Papillon, Bichon Frise, Alaskan Malamute, Shiba Inu, Icelandic Sheepdog, Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Australian Shepherd, and the Basenji are all expressive breeds that generally live their lives with a smile dancing across their faces.
Don’t own one of the breeds above? You can still make your doggo smile and keep them happy by teaching them new tricks, providing them a delicious and nutritious diet, and allotting enough playtime into their everyday schedule. Your dog will be cracking a smile in no time!
Do Dogs Smile? If So, Why? | PetMD
Icelandic Sheepdog | American Kennel Club