Can Dogs Eat Strawberries?
Can dogs eat strawberries? These delicious bite-sized fruits make excellent snacks for your dog in moderation. Here’s more about why they’re a great option.
We eat strawberries a lot. From strawberry shortcake to a salad with strawberries and feta to chocolate-dipped strawberries, this fruit is a staple in the human diet.
If you’re the type of person who loves to cook at home and are also lucky enough to be a dog owner, you know the temptation to slip your dog a taste while you’re cooking. But can dogs eat strawberries? Let’s break it down.
What Are the Benefits of Strawberries for My Dog?
We have good news — strawberries don’t pose any significant risks to your dog’s health, and they may even add a few benefits.
Like most fresh fruits, strawberries are jam-packed with nutrients. While they contain many essential vitamins and minerals, they are especially rich in vitamin C and other antioxidants, folate, magnesium, and potassium. A typical diet, especially with supplementation, is usually sufficient to ensure your dog meets all of these requirements. However, the right treats can add a little extra benefit to their lives.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is one of the powerhouse vitamins for dogs and humans. As few as eight strawberries have more vitamin C than an orange, a fruit that has become pretty much synonymous with the vitamin. Vitamin C is classified as an antioxidant that travels around the body, helping to neutralize free radicals.
A free radical is a molecule that forms in the body often due to environmental stressors like excessive sunlight, smoke, and other toxins. Unlike other molecules, free radicals lack an electron. Without the full eight electrons required to be happy and balanced, they bounce around inside the body, looking for an extra electron.
Vitamin C can volunteer one of its own, effectively helping to neutralize free radicals and render them harmless.
Strawberries rank on the top 20 list of foods with the highest antioxidant content, specifically containing polyphenols. Foods with more antioxidants help with various concerns, like protecting against heart and digestive issues and diabetes.
Not to be confused with folic acid, folate is a member of the B vitamin complex. Folate is classified as a coenzyme, meaning it works to help enzymes do their job. The vitamin also supports the formation of new blood cells and the immune system.
Magnesium is a mineral that is essential for your dog’s overall health. Specifically, magnesium is responsible for helping the body produce energy at the cellular level. This energy is crucial for many things — strong bones, a healthy heart, normal blood sugar, and functional muscles are just a few.
Potassium is possibly the most vital mineral in strawberries, as it controls many of your pup’s most important body functions. It helps connect the nerves and muscles (like the heart). Without it, your dog’s body won’t be able to work the way it should.
And finally, strawberries are packed full of fiber. About three ounces of strawberries contain around two grams of fiber, which can add a boost to your dog’s GI and digestive health. It’s necessary to strike the right balance, and strawberries have just enough fiber to be an excellent treat without overwhelming your dog’s system.
Are All Fruits Good for Dogs?
Can dogs eat strawberries? Yes! Does that mean that they can eat all fruit? No, and there are a few very important exceptions.
What Fruits Can My Dog Safely Eat?
While this is not a comprehensive list, and you should always check with your veterinarian before deciding to give your dog anything new, there are some safe bets when it comes to dog-friendly fruits.
- Apples (with the seeds, stem, and core removed)
- Bananas (without the peel)
- Blueberries
- Cranberries
- Raspberries
- Mango (with the pit removed)
- Peaches (with the pit removed)
- Pears (with the seeds, stem, and core removed)
- Pineapple (just the fleshy part)
- Watermelon (with the rind and seeds removed)
What Fruit Should I Keep Away From My Dog?
Unfortunately, some fruits may appear harmless to us that can have significant health repercussions for your dog. While many of them are potentially dangerous as choking hazards (cherries, plums, etc.), there is one fruit that you should avoid giving to your dog under any circumstances.
That fruit is the grape.
Researchers have not yet found the exact chemical component of the grape that is dangerous for dogs. However, what they do know is their effect on a dog’s body. Namely, ingestion of grapes in any amount has been linked to kidney failure. In some cases, grapes have even been fatal.
The same danger extends to raisins, as they are a more concentrated version of the grape. Although they seem harmless, they can be incredibly dangerous for your pup. Avoid giving them to your dog, and contact your veterinarian right away if your dog does accidentally eat one.
How Many Strawberries Can I Feed My Dog?
Strawberries have a lot of beneficial vitamins and minerals,but you should still feed them to your dog in moderation. Although no one expects you to count every calorie your dog eats, some veterinarians strongly urge pet owners to do so.
Keep in mind, introducing a new food too quickly can trigger some GI issues in your dog. Because of the relatively high sugar content in strawberries (even though it is natural sugar), too much at one time can trigger diarrhea, vomiting, and an upset stomach.
Generally speaking, a small dog can handle one cut-up berry daily as a snack. Medium dogs can usually eat three to four, and larger dogs may be able to eat five. No matter the size of your dog, cutting the strawberries into pieces (as we’ll discuss more in a moment) can help extend the fun all day long!
How Should I Feed My Dog Strawberries?
If your dog has performed all the required tricks and you want to reward them with a bit of strawberry, there are just a few steps you need to take!
Start by making sure to wash the strawberries. Strawberries are already full of moisture, so don’t wash them until you are ready to eat them. If you wash them too far in advance, they will soak up too much water and get soggy.
Organic strawberries simply require a good ol’ rinse under cold water. With store-bought, consider soaking them in a mixture of four parts water to one part vinegar (white works best) for 20 minutes before rinsing.
You’ll also want to keep your dog’s size in mind. Even big dogs may not be able to handle a whole strawberry, which can quickly become a choking hazard. Small dogs are even more at risk, which is why it is crucial to cut the berries into bite-sized pieces.
You can also try freezing smaller pieces of strawberries and giving them to your dog as an extra special treat in the summer. You can do the same with other fruits too — especially bananas. Just be aware that this can increase the risk of choking, especially with small dogs, so you should take extra care to cut the fruit very small.
How Else Can I Support My Dog’s Health and Wellness?
The right food and proper knowledge about what treats you can safely feed your dog can majorly boost their health and wellness. However, there are multiple methods to support their body and keep them as healthy and happy as possible.
The most significant piece of the puzzle, in addition to their diet, is regular exercise. Exercise is just as essential for their mental health as it is for their physical health — dogs who are cooped up all day long without any outlet for their energy also tend to be those with behavioral issues. If your dog chews up your couch or shoes or gets the “zoomies” regularly, they are likely trying to burn energy off.
Unfortunately, your dog can’t just tell you that they’re experiencing cabin fever. As their most trusted companion, it's up to you to interpret their behavior and meet their needs. Even a short walk around the block can help change the scenery and get some of their extra energy out. They’ll likely sleep a lot better and exhibit fewer behavioral issues, too!
As an added benefit, dog owners who walk with their dogs also get an average of 22 minutes of exercise a day. It can be hard to get any type of exercise during a busy day, so having a dog that requires that daily walk is the perfect, non-negotiable motivation to get moving.
In Summary
Can dogs eat strawberries?Yes, strawberries are safe for dogs to eat in moderation. There are even some health benefits of strawberries that can add to your pet’s overall health and wellness.
At Finn, we’re always looking for ways to make your dog’s life the best it can possibly be. Come along with us as we share what we know so that you can keep your dog happy and healthy as long as you can.
People Foods to Avoid Feeding Your Pets | ASPCA
Raisin and Grape Toxicosis in Dogs | Merck Vet Manual
Dog Owners Walk 22 Minutes More Per Day. And Yes, It Counts As Exercise | NPR