Can Dogs Eat Celery?
Looking for a tasty treat for your pup? Read on as we discuss why celery might be an excellent addition to your doggo’s balanced diet.
- Do Dogs Need Fresh Fruits and Vegetables?
- Can Dogs Eat Celery?
- What Are the Benefits of Celery for Dogs?
- Can Celery Help With Bad Breath in Dogs?
- How Much Celery Can My Dog Safely Eat?
- Are There Any Risks to Giving a Dog Celery?
- What Fruits and Vegetables Should Dogs Avoid?
- Why Are Treats Important for Dogs?
- In Conclusion
We’re going to let you in on a little secret — we all give our dogs human food, each and every one of us. It’s hard to resist those sweet puppy dog eyes, and it makes us feel good about the bond we have with our furry friend.
While we would all love to share our everyday snacks with our furry friends, not all food is healthy or safe for them, and it is important to check before feeding your dog a piece of human food.
For example, can dogs eat celery? We’ve got what you need to make the safest decisions about what foods you can treat your dog to.
Do Dogs Need Fresh Fruits and Vegetables?
Much focus gets put on the importance of fresh fruits and vegetables in the human diet. Produce provides us with a low-calorie way to get many of the essential vitamins and minerals we need to keep our bodies running how they should.
A well-balanced diet for us should include no less than 1 ½ to 2 cups of fresh fruits and 2 to 3 cups of fresh vegetables every day (and let’s be honest, not all of us get there).
Our dogs don’t need fruits and vegetables the same way we do. When we feed them the proper diet, especially when planned out with your veterinarian, they get all of those same nutrients from their dog food.
However, that doesn’t mean that certain fresh fruits and veggies can’t be a low-cal, low-fat treat for your pet! So, let’s talk about one of the biggest cronches in the vegetable world: celery.
Can Dogs Eat Celery?
Picture this: You’re in the kitchen cutting up a stalk of celery to fill with peanut butter or throw into a soup. Your dog is next to you, like usual, staring up at you with eyes that are a mix between “I love you” and “I’m starving.” Surely it’s okay just to toss them a little piece, right?
In this case, the answer is absolutely yes!
There are no components in celery that are harmful to your dog when given in moderation, and it can be an incredibly healthy snack. Your dog will feel like they’re getting a special treat, and you know that you’re feeding them something that’s good for them!
Dogs can safely eat celery in both its raw and cooked forms. However, there are a few caveats
For one, when feeding your dog cooked celery, make sure that it hasn’t been cooked with ingredients that can be dangerous for your dog — like garlic or onions.
Also, keep in mind that you remove at least some nutrients anytime you cook fresh fruits and vegetables. If you’re giving your dog celery for its health benefits, you’ll want to stick with its raw form so that they get as many of those vitamins and minerals as possible.
What Are the Benefits of Celery for Dogs?
Celery is one of the most low-fat treats you can find. In fact, nutritionists consider celery to be fat-free. Most dog food is relatively high in fat because most are meat-based.
Dogs do need some fat to keep them healthy (it helps provide them with energy and supports brain and skin health), but too much fat can have negative health repercussions.
Celery is also full of fiber. Strictly speaking, dogs don’t necessarily need tons of extra fiber in their diet. However, most veterinarians (and human doctors as well, for that matter) will tell you that a high-fiber diet is one of the primary keys to keeping the bowels healthy and regular.
The vegetable is also absolutely packed full of vitamins and minerals. Specifically, celery contains vitamins A, C, and K and minerals like potassium and folate. Each of these nutrients performs crucial roles in your dog’s body, like helping blood to clot and keeping the cardiovascular system running optimally.
Ensuring your dog gets what they need and potentially including a multivitamin when necessary is a big boost to their health and well-being.
Can Celery Help With Bad Breath in Dogs?
Some people believe that celery can help freshen your dog’s dragon breath, but is that true?
Interestingly enough, yes!
While celery isn’t the same as taking your dog to your veterinarian for regular dental check-ups and cleanings, or even as brushing your pup’s teeth with a doggie toothbrush, it can help reduce the day-to-day tartar buildup and maintain their gum health.
The secret is in the crunch and the vegetable’s fibrous nature. As your dog crunches down on a piece of celery, it works like a toothbrush, which in turn helps to keep their breath as fresh as possible. However, always pair it with regular dental care and other products that promote dental health — celery is not a replacement for dental hygiene practices.
How Much Celery Can My Dog Safely Eat?
Regardless of whether you have a toy poodle or the biggest dog in the world, your dog’s nutritional needs should be met in full by their dog food. Anything else you give them is considered, at best, supplemental. So when we talk about giving your dog celery, we’re talking about feeding it to them as an occasional treat and not as a primary source of nutrition in their diet.
According to veterinary nutritionists, treats should never exceed 10% of your dog’s daily caloric intake. That amount should be even less if your dog struggles with obesity. While you can work out the exact calculations by looking at your dog’s food label and talking to your veterinarian, it’s okay to make an educated guess based on the ingredient label on your pup’s food packaging. A few small bites of celery now and then can fit into your pet’s diet without an issue.
Are There Any Risks to Giving a Dog Celery?
Occasionally giving your dog celery as a treat is okay on a nutritional level, but are there any potential health concerns associated with the vegetable?
Surprisingly, in certain situations, there are.
For one, if you have a smaller breed dog like a Yorkie or a pomeranian, larger pieces of celery may pose a choking hazard. If you feed your small dog celery, make sure that you cut it into small, appropriately bite-sized pieces (and you know how to perform basic pet first aid!).
It’s also important to note that celery is considered a diuretic, which triggers the body to expel excess water and sodium. Too much celery can make your dog have to urinate more than usual. For most pets (and owners), that translates to going out more frequently. However, if your dog has kidney issues or is on the older side, this can become dangerous quickly.
There is also always a risk of gastrointestinal issues when starting your dog on any new food. That’s why it is crucial to start slowly, even with the most benign foods. If you don’t, your dog may experience symptoms like bloating, diarrhea, gas, nausea, and vomiting. To add to the situation, celery may not be fully digested if eaten in large chunks, so larger pieces may cause additional trouble.
What Fruits and Vegetables Should Dogs Avoid?
Can dogs eat celery? Yes. But that doesn’t mean that every fresh fruit and vegetable is safe to feed them. While it’s best to research each individually before you give it to your dog as a treat, we’ve compiled a brief list of some of the most common foods to avoid.
- Avocado: Can cause vomiting and diarrhea
- Cherries: Pits can cause cyanide poisoning
- Grapes: Can cause acute kidney failure
- Mushrooms: Can be toxic or poisonous
- Onions: Can be very toxic and potentially fatal
If your dog does accidentally eat any of the above, or if they’ve gotten into anything that you’re unsure about, contact your veterinarian or call the ASPCA’s Animal Poison Control for additional guidance.
Why Are Treats Important for Dogs?
Although, as we discussed, most of your dog’s daily calories should come from their dog food, treats do play an essential role in their (and your) life — and not just nutritionally!
Feeding your dog the proper treats is a significant bonding experience between the two of you. Whether you toss them a small piece of celery while you’re making dinner or use it as a way to keep their focus on you during training, it only increases the love and attention you feel for one another.
You can also use treats to help with your dog’s stress level. Although they don’t display their emotions nearly as visibly as humans, dogs still strongly feel certain emotions. Giving your dogs treats to distract them from feelings of anxiety or to reassure them in a stressful situation can be a welcome source of relief. Tying in calming supplements for dogs can also help.
If your dog is highly anxious, you’ll want to take additional steps to help them feel calm, such as behavioral training.
In Conclusion
Can dogs eat celery? Yes, as long as you give them bite-sized pieces in moderation.
Celery is a healthy, low-calorie, low-fat treat that can be an excellent supplement to a well-balanced diet. But remember, treats should never exceed more than 10% of their daily intake, no matter how healthy they are.
For additional tips on giving your good boy or girl the treats they crave, stick with Finn for more posts, loved by pets and endorsed by vets.
The Skinny on Fat: Part 1 – The Basics | Tufts
Treats guidelines for dogs | UC Davis
Pet first aid – Basic procedures | American Veterinary Medical Association